Ginast SCP | Alta Ribagorça
Ginast SCP imatge

Ginast SCP

Jaume y Pere Palacín
C/ Sant Mamés, 4 2n-3r.
25552 Vilaller
Tel. 629 778 544 / 616 941 918

We are a small family business formed by Pere and Jaume Palacín, both with a long history and experience both in livestock breeding and management and in the meat industry. For 13 years we have been dedicated exclusively to the slaughter, quartering and distribution of lamb meat from our own farm and sometimes from other farms, but always a local product of proximity.

We offer a KM0 product of the highest quality, intervening at all times in the production chain, respecting and taking into account basic animal welfare measures throughout the process. We also sell local veal from local farmers, offering a top quality product to our customers. All the preparation and distribution work is done from our facilities located in Ginast.

We supply butcher's shops in the Ribagorça and Aran Valley, restaurants and establishments in the area and also to individuals who increasingly rely on our product. We have our own livestock farm, cutting room and transport. We are not a point of sale, so orders must be placed by telephone.
We distribute to the customer's home and/or establishment.

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Patronat Comarcal de Turisme de l'Alta Ribagorça | Av. Victoriano Muñoz, 48 | 25520 El Pont de Suert | Tel. 973 69 04 02 |